Personalized, Agile, and Intuitive Assistant




At Ikkfoo Consulting, innovation has been etched into our DNA. We are proud to unveil a game-changing application that seamlessly integrates a chat interface into Salesforce. Think of this as your robotic sales buddy – ready to lend a helping hand for a vast array of tasks.

The magic begins the chat interface

Our Salesforce assistant doesn’t just have a chat interface; it's embedded with a powerful Large Language Model (LLM) and has access to a wealth of information within your documentation. The secret sauce is a retriever component that goes deep to find all the information it needs to craft a well thought out, client focused message.

A Glimpse into the “black box”:

The application comes packed with a selection of prompts. Each prompt, crafted with finesse, is geared to execute a specific business process. Imagine telling your robotic buddy to “write a welcome email” or “follow up with a dormant customer.” We’re not stopping here; our vision is to expand this toolbox to incorporate virtually every task your sales and support teams undertake daily.

The Human-Touch. Our tools work as an Exoskeleton:

Our assistant doesn’t just automate; it empowers. Acting as an intelligent exoskeleton, it takes the initiative in executing a task. The sales and support teams have the final say – they can fine-tune he bot's output to add that quintessential human touch. Our application isn’t tied down; it can take up residence in multiple places within Salesforce, including: Contacts; Accounts; Leads; Cases; Pages. Empowering each one of them, it can help any company team in a number of ways. For example:
1. Responding to customer inquiries.Addressing support requests (e.g., resolving issues with features).
2. Handling sales queries about product capabilities.
3. Ensuring customer satisfaction and retention.Unveiling tailor-made product features for specific clients.

We tailored an example use-case, for you to see the potential of an AI integrated in your every day

At Ikkfoo Consulting, innovation has been etched into our DNA. We are proud to unveil a game-changing application that seamlessly integrates a chat interface into Salesforce. Think of this as your robotic sales buddy – ready to lend a helping hand for a vast array of tasks.

The magic begins the chat interface

Our Salesforce assistant doesn’t just have a chat interface; it's embedded with a powerful Large Language Model (LLM) and has access to a wealth of information within your documentation. The secret sauce is a retriever component that goes deep to find all the information it needs to craft a well thought out, client focused message.

A Glimpse into the “black box”:

The application comes packed with a selection of prompts. Each prompt, crafted with finesse, is geared to execute a specific business process. Imagine telling your robotic buddy to “write a welcome email” or “follow up with a dormant customer.” We’re not stopping here; our vision is to expand this toolbox to incorporate virtually every task your sales and support teams undertake daily.

The Human-Touch. Our tools work as an Exoskeleton:

Our assistant doesn’t just automate; it empowers. Acting as an intelligent exoskeleton, it takes the initiative in executing a task. The sales and support teams have the final say – they can fine-tune he bot's output to add that quintessential human touch. Our application isn’t tied down; it can take up residence in multiple places within Salesforce, including: Contacts; Accounts; Leads; Cases; Pages. Empowering each one of them, it can help any company team in a number of ways. For example:
1. Responding to customer inquiries.Addressing support requests (e.g., resolving issues with features).
2. Handling sales queries about product capabilities.
3. Ensuring customer satisfaction and retention.Unveiling tailor-made product features for specific clients.

We tailored an example use-case, for you to see the potential of an AI integrated in your every day

Use case

Use case

Use case

Sales department enhanced processes

Imagine you are the top salesperson from a texting automation company, Texting ABC. As a salesperson, you need to follow up with new leads, target new possible customers, and follow up with existing prospects. Most of your day is spent researching new signups, sending welcome emails, and setting up calls to qualify leads. Pitching the product is what you do best, but not what you spend most of your time doing. More time spent doing that means more money for you and the company. What can our tools do for you? Here are a few examples


Output based on: Texting ABC company information, Ikkfoo consulting web information. Clear instructions and respecting Texting ABC's tone

Follow up email

Output based on Texting ABC internal information, Ikkfoo consulting Web information, Prior client info and Last communications

New feature realese email

Output based on Ikkfoo Consulting client info, Texting ABC newsletter, and prior Client communication

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